Rev. Mark Gauen


from Rev. Mark Gauen

Special Events

Dine with Nine

Dine with Nine is an opportunity to join with other members to share food, fellowship, and hospitality. The number nine is symbolic, saying that both couples and singles are welcome to participate since nine is an odd number.

Participants in this movable feast are assigned to groups of eight to ten people each at the beginning of the church program year in the fall with the number depending on the total number of people who have elected to participate in Dine with Nine that year. Existing groups from the previous year are scrambled and members (couples or individuals) are reassigned to put people into new groups with others they have not been in a group with in the previous two years.

It is a great way to get to know other church members well over a period of time.

Members take turns hosting their group in their homes once or twice during the church year with the same people, and sometimes a substitute or add on also invited. The host provides the main course and each other member brings an appetizer, salad, dessert, side dish, bread and/or beverage. This way the host does not have to do any where near all the food preparation.

There is also a vegetarian group, and the only difference in this group is that the main course is meatless since all the side dishes are meatless.

For more information contact Bob and Mary Place, Jim Hines or Pastor Mark Gauen.

Looking for a crutch or a cane? Visit our Mobility Assistance Program page to learn how you can borrow these and other medical equipment from us! Open to our community!

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