Rev. Mark Gauen


from Rev. Mark Gauen

Special Events

Sunday 29 Nov.

All Church Potluck

Sunday Nov. 29, 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 a.m.

The Membership, Evangelism and Events (M.E.E.) Committee is sponsoring the first of several fellowship potlucks following worship on November 29. This potluck falls on the Thanksgiving Weekend, but if you are in town, come and enjoy the fellowship of others in our congregation. Please bring a dish to share, enough to feed 8-10 people or enough to feed your family, whatever the size.

A SIGN UP SHEET will be posted by November 1 in the Knox Hall. Please sign your name if you plan to attend – but if you forget to do that, come anyway and enjoy the fellowship!

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Looking for a crutch or a cane? Visit our Mobility Assistance Program page to learn how you can borrow these and other medical equipment from us! Open to our community!

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