Rev. Mark Gauen


from Rev. Mark Gauen

Special Events

About Lent

Within the modern Christian Church, Lent is a bit of an anachronism. It conjures images of monks in the middle-ages fasting and chanting. Or perhaps it brings back memories of childhood when the Catholic kids didn’t eat meat on Fridays.

For many of us today, Lent isn’t really part of our consciousness except perhaps if we see someone at work who has a black smudge on her forehead. This is too bad.

Lent goes back to the earliest days of the Christian Church and it was established to be a time of spiritual renewal, a time to get closer to God. It was something that every Christian did. Lent was a time be intentional about the practice of faith—worship, study, meditation, compassion, giving, fasting, and prayer. And it still is. In fact, it may be more necessary today than ever before.

People today are looking to quench a spiritual thirst but they seldom take the time or make the full effort to seek out the One who can quench that thirst. The practices usually associated with Lent—praying, fasting (or in its modern form, giving something up, like candy), doing acts of compassion, making special gifts for the work of Christ’s Church, studying the Bible—all help us to get ourselves reconnected with the Source of all life.

That certainly is part of the mission of this church. To bring people closer to God. During the season of Lent our church will provide opportunities to grow in faith through mission work, study and prayer, worship and giving.

Lent begins on Ash Wednesday -- February 14, this year.

Lent ends with Holy Week, which begins on Palm Sunday -- March, 24th and continues with Maunday Thursday -- March 28th -- and Good Friday -- March 29th.

Holy Week concludes with Easter Sunday -- March 31st.

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