41 W. College Avenue, Westerville, Ohio 43081
The Dine Out group is composed of people who like to eat at a restaurant with other church people from time to time. Twenty to 35 of us gather at a Restaurant within five miles of Westerville (Polaris, Westerville, Worthington, Morse Road, Gahanna) on the second Friday of every month including summer time. About 70 people come to at least one event a year, and no one makes it to all 12. About half the participants also belong to a regular Dine with Nine group, but the others only participate in this one because they do not wish to host a dinner in their home.
We meet at 6:30 and usually are finished by 8:30 though conversation often continues beyond for a few people who want to. We choose restaurants that allow for Friday reservations, will write separate or couple checks, have handicapped accessibility, and can bunch us together either gathering several tables together or putting us into a separate room.
In a typical year we have gone to China Dynasty (State 161), Mimi's (Polaris), Claddagh's (Polaris), Lucky House (Westerville), Smokey Bones (Polaris), Polaris Grill (Polaris), Minico's (Westerville), Wendell's Pub (Westerville), Buca deBeppo (Worthington), J'Liu (Worthington), Mexican Restaurants, Myconos (Greek - Gahanna) and Molly Woos (Polaris) plus suggestions from participant.
For more information contact Bob and Mary Place, Jim Hines or Pastor Mark Gauen.
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